Based on the analysis of the status quo of traditional endoscopic hole detection image measurement methods, the semi-automatic measurement methods and automatic measurement methods are put forward, and the automatic measurement methods based on cubic spline interpolation and feature point extraction are emphatically expounded. The results show that these two methods can automatically measure the characteristic size of defects quickly and accurately.
On the basis of the above research, a rapid fault diagnosis system for aeroengine is designed and implemented. The practical application of the endoscope hole detector shows that the system can quickly and accurately judge the various faults and damage states of the key components of the starting engine, which verifies the effectiveness and feasibility of the hole detector image feature extraction technique and method proposed in this paper. Although the endoscope borescope inspection technology in hole finder, the borescope image acquisition and representation, judgment, etc have larger development, but in aeroengine field maintenance, armed with borescope testing instrument is one of the traditional single lens aperture finder, there are many different kinds of engine parts and its failure mode and endoscopic hole finder and more difficult to obtain large amounts of borescope image samples, stereo vision, pattern recognition and some other advanced technology application is restricted
Nondestructive testing technology is one of the effective methods to monitor engine condition at present, and at present in the field of aviation engine mainly take the endoscope borescope instrument technology (aka endoscopic technique) based nondestructive testing method, can obtain some borescope inspection data, but these data are often not directly reflect the health condition of the engine, not directly guiding maintenance support activities, must carry out the corresponding data analysis and fault diagnosis.